3 Lessons I Learned Over Easter Holiday About Life, Faith, And Jesus

Today marks a week since the end of Easter. Even though there was not much celebration- at least not in my country and home, I was lucky to learn 3 important lessons during this Easter holiday. 

Some were painful, some enlightening, and others a beacon of hope during this trying year. Let dive in. 

Here are the 3 lessons I learned over Easter Holiday this year.

Easter Lesson 1: Life does not always turn out the way we think it should

This lesson is one of the painful ones! When 2021 rolled around, everyone was hopeful: That the virus would not be part of our lives and that the economy would improve. In my country, Kenya, the virus has spread more than anticipated. The economy is on a downhill, and a lot of families are suffering.

But the most painful is the number of lives we have lost. My hometown church has lost twelve people to the disease. Friends and family I once smiled at are no more. Despite all these, I have come to realize that life is fickle. Every day is a blessing and a reason to be grateful for God’s gift of life.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Easter Lesson 2: Without faith, we are like a people without vision

Faith is an essential part of a Christian’s life, after love. Our walk with Christ can be successful only if we have faith in him and his promises. As I’ve mentioned above, life will not always turn out as we expected. There will be broken dreams, tears, and hard blows.

Faith is our enabler through these difficult times and the reason we keep fighting. This Easter, I have learned that to persevere, I need to focus on the promises of God, without a doubt.

To build your faith, you need two essentials:

  1. Prayer
  2. God’s word

On some days, you won’t have the will to trust or the strength to believe. Hold on tight. Christ has promised that Faith, even the size of mustard, is enough to move mountains. (Matthew 17:19)

Easter Lesson 3: Jesus is all we need

I know you have heard this many times, and if we are honest, sometimes, we may feel like we need more than Jesus.

It could be a job, a partner, health, forgiveness, and so on.

But this quiet Easter, with Covid-19 raging, losing people, and a series of broken dreams, I’m starting to learn that Christ is more than enough.

Whether I have a source of income or not, whether I’m in a relationship or not. Whether my studies are suspended or not- He is more than enough. He is my hope and the reason to face each new day with a smile and a positive attitude.

And as for his love, nothing on this earth or the oceans deep can separate us from God. Our lives are in his hands. Even on the days I can’t seem to, I only have to trust him through the darkness. Because weeping only tarries for the night, and joy will soon come in the morning.

As for all these little things that overwhelm me, they no longer have power over my life. Jesus overcame death so we could overcome.

1st Corinthians 15:55-57

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

The sting of death is sin; the strength of sin is the law.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

That’s it for now. I hope you enjoyed these lessons I learned over Easter. What was your biggest lesson over Easter? Let me know in the comments below.

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