2 Ways to Talk with God when you don’t feel like Praying

A woman praying in the snow

We’ve all been there. At least I think we’ve all gone through tough times. Times that made us feel vulnerable, hopeless, or even depressed.

On such days, praying is hard. Maybe because you feel like God has forgotten you, or because it feels like you don’t deserve His love. Sometimes, you are in so much pain such that you can’t come before God and talk to him. Words feel too heavy. Your mouth is too dry and you are heartbroken to tiny pieces.

Ironically, when your life is down in shambles, God is closest to His children. He will be walking with those who believe in Him and declare Christ as their savior.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Maybe you can’t do the traditional form of prayer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t talk to God, tell Him how you feel, and ask Him for the way forward.

Like you, I’ve been in such a place where prayer was too difficult…almost impossible!

Through this experience, I discovered 2 ways to talk with God so I could make my desires known to Him in the midst of hard and turbulent times.

So, today, I share the two ways with you in hopes that you’ll also communicate with God even when it seems or feels impossible in your situation.

Disclaimer: When I say “Don’t feel like praying,” I’m not talking about being too lazy to pray.

1) Write your prayer down

Wait a minute!

Isn’t writing for things like to-do lists, goals, and when pursuing productivity?
Not quite. Writing is more than that. The book of Psalms is a perfect example of written prayers. King David wrote most of these prayers with enemies after Him.

When his foes were planning to kill Him and while in the valley of death, David wrote his prayers.

Through the book of Psalms, you see and feel David’s pain in His written prayers. Thousands of years later, writing down your prayers is nothing new. Yet it’s a powerful way when you are weak to utter words.

Like the spoken prayer, written prayer is communication with God. You can tell Him your woes, your hurt, and your heart desires. And just like the spoken prayers, God will and does answer written prayers. (I’m a living testimony of this.)

God already knows your heart, but He still wants to hear it from you… So write it away, your Father in heaven is gracious enough to listen, answer, and fulfill.

2) Sing your prayers

At other times, it’s not so much about speaking the words, it’s about producing them from the depths of your heart. This is where music comes in. A couple of awesome worship songs that helped me through the dark times spring to mind when talking about this topic. (I’ll link my favorite at the bottom of this post.)

When I was 18 to early 19, I had panic and anxiety attacks frequently. During those years, prayer was difficult, so I sang my heart out. I prayed through worship. I surrendered through worship, asked for help through songs, and cried to him through music.

When I was unable to utter words of my own, these songs became my anchor and pillar to moving towards the next phase in my life.

Have you made a song into a prayer? How was the experience? Please let me know in the comments section below.

There goes 2 ways to talk with God when you don’t feel like praying. Is there any particular way you relate to most? I’d be happy to read about your experience.

And if you’ve yet to try any of these two ways, go ahead and give them a try… You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Above all else, I hope and pray that you’ll overcome any difficulty you are going through.

“Everything works for good for those who loved God and those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Stay strong and don’t hesitate to reach out. Always remember that nothing, not even darkness or grief can separate you from God’s love.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-38

My favorite songs for hard seasons.

Hills and Valleys by Tauren Wells

Made a Way by Travis Greene

The promise by The Martins

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