Hey There

I am Wangui Hinga☺

Why did I start Scriptures and Living?

As a young woman, I’ve had my own fair share of challenges in life. The hard thing about challenging times is how they can push us to a corner, rob our joy, and force us to live a life of faithlessness.

I wanted to change the narrative. To use scriptures and words to help other young women like you through challenging times. Scriptures and Living is my way of showing you that you are not alone in feeling inadequate, worrisome, anxious, scared, confused, and so many emotions that come with adulting.

These emotions, even though common for most women, are not part of God’s plan in our lives. Through scriptures, words inspired by God, and a dose of fun, I will help you get through the tough times.

I hope you’ll join me as we explore our God-given callings, careers, hobbies, and identity in life.

Sounds like something you’d want?

Be part of the family today.


A brief story of how this came to be…

I’ve always been shy, and I find it hard to express myself without anxiety cropping up. So when Covid hit my country and my life was put on hold, I started thinking of a new project to try out.

Since I had been a freelance writer for some time, I decided to try out blogging and see how it goes. At first, the blog was known as Studentplush.com (In case you find a reference of the same, please ignore it. I’m still making the changes.)

I wrote a few posts on student life like this, but I always felt like this was not the primary trajectory God wanted me to take. I had prayed about it, but my impatience had cropped up, so I didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, I went ahead and did my own thing.

Talking about God and Christianity would be like putting my heart out there for people to scrutinize and make judgments of. Yet, every day, there was a tugging in my spirit urging me to share my Christian journey and help other young women grow in Christ.

I was reluctant for a few months until I gave in. (It’s hard to win against God’s will for your life.) A couple of months later, here we are. It’s a journey I’m only starting, and I hope that we all grow into Christ’s likeness with each post that goes up.

A little bit more about me.

  • I’m a Kenyan.
  • I currently work as a freelance writer and virtual assistant. Reach out if you need help with these two services.
  • I also write YA fiction novels on the side.
  • I’m an INFJ and tend to shy away from social gatherings (I’m working on conquering my social anxiety and fear)
  • I need to have an ongoing project at all times.

Most importantly, Christ saved me and has been a friend, guide, and the best part of my life.

That’s all for now.

On a side note, I really love being in the fantasy world and creating fictional characters inside my head. A little bit crazy but fun.

Hit me with any questions at Wangui@scripturesandliving.com, and you’ll get a quick reply.

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God Bless you, friend!