Jesus Around the Web: Singlehood and Sexual purity

Hey. It’s on a Sunday and I wanted to start this little tradition where I round up some of the best articles in the Christian world I have come across. I hope that you’ll learn a lot from them just as I have. I’m calling this weekly compilation Jesus around the web, since in one way or the other, these blogs and articles point us towards nurturing our relationship with Jesus.
Let’s get started.
Today’s theme for Jesus around the Web is Singlehood and Sexual purity
Thriving in Singlehood
Our society sees singlehood as a bad thing. You are either labeled unromantic, a loner, or a really shy person who’ll never experience marriage. To most, Christians and non-Christians alike, marriage is the end goal. That’s why most of us miss out on the essence and the blessings of being single.
Singlehood is a time to grow closer to God, identify and pursue our callings as well as enjoy the life that God has given us. Ernest Wamboye, deriving from Ken Grave’s book, reminds us how to make our singlehood years fruitful while growing closer to our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Below is Ernest’s three-part series that walks you through the essence of singlehood.
Thriving in your single-hood: Part One- Master – Pen Strokes
Ernest’s blog has awesome teachings on relationships, dating, and marriage- I binge-read most articles on Friday:-) Check out his blog over here: Dating and Courting.
Are you a prostitute at heart?
Sexual sin is a can of worms that most Christian women don’t want to delve into. Yet, we can’t pretend that young women are not struggling with these sins. Much has been discussed about fornication, adultery, pornography, and masturbation, but only a handful of people have dared to venture into fantasies. Sexual or not, fantasies and mindless daydreams are our expressions of how ungrateful and discontent we are.
As someone who has struggled with daydreams and fantasies for so long, I know how hard it is to get past our discontentment and live in the REAL and beautiful world that God has bestowed upon us.
Here are the posts I found incredibly helpful when dealing with fantasies and daydreams, both of romantic and unromantic.
Affairs of the Mind | Today’s Christian Woman
Fighting Your Romantic Fantasies – Lies Young Women BelieveLies Young Women Believe
The Dangers of Daydreaming ~ Biblical Counseling for Women (
What does the Bible say about daydreaming? Is it wrong to daydream? |
Taking the Initiative Against Daydreaming | My Utmost For His Highest
That’s all for Week 1 of Jesus around the web. I pray that God’s grace may see you through whatever you are struggling with. Be it anger, shame, or discontentment in your relationship status. Remember, as Jonah proclaims in Jonah 2:9, Deliverance belongs to the Lord.