The Essence Of Work: Jesus Around The Web

A woman standing at her desk

For the longest time, work, calling, and jobs have been a constant confusion in my life. What is the essence of work? Are jobs and work the same thing? What about calling, is it always related to our jobs or can it be different?

I needed answers, so I set out to find them. This week’s compilation of Jesus around the web explores the essence of work and, the reason why God created it. These articles will also be instrumental in differentiating between the three. I hope you’ll find some actionable tips for your life.

Jesus around the web (week 2): The essence of work.

We were made to work.

In a blog post titled Pursue Your Vocation, Tim Challies explores the essence of work. One fundamental principle he lays across is that we were created to work. Before the fall of man, God’s design for human beings was for them to use their gifts to gain dominion over all other species. 

As Tim states, the purpose of work is for three main purposes. Provision, service, and obedience. If you want to go deeper into the meaning of this and God’s intent for creating us to work, read this insightful post by Challies.

What about diligence in our Work?

You can find this post written by Tim Challies here: The Duty of Diligence | Tim Challies

How does one identify their calling?

Abigail Folds explores this question in detail. She uses examples and personal experience to help us understand this subject on a deeper level.

How to Find Your Calling — Abigail Folds

Is your job a calling or something different?

This post on the Intervarsities’ blog differentiates between a calling and a job

No Job Is a Calling (and 4 Reasons That’s Good News) | InterVarsity

That’s it for this week’s episodes of Jesus around the web. It comes a day late, but I hope you find it useful all the same.

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